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Je cˈu riˈ ri ix ri junam quixchacun kucˈ chupatänixic ri Dios, quixkabochiˈj chi nim chiwila wi ri tokˈob ri xuban ri Dios chiwe, miwetzelaj cˈu u wäch waˈ. Cubij cˈu ri Areˈ pa ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Tzˈibtalic:

Xinto aretak xaban orar pa jun kˈij
ri kas utz chubanic waˈ.
Pa ri kˈij ri xacˈam ri nu tobanic
xinto ri xabij, xatintoˈ cˈut, ―cächaˈ. Cämic cˈut are waˈ ri utzalaj kˈij riˈ, cämic cˈu riˈ ri kˈij ri quixcowinic quirik ru tobanic ri Dios.

Cˈo baˈ jas mäkaˈno ri xa cubano chi jun chic cätzakic, rech man cäbix tä ri man utz taj chrij ri cäkaˈno chupatänixic ri Dios. Xane cäkaj cäkakˈalajisaj kib pa ronojel chi uj patänil tak re ri Dios. Kˈalaj waˈ aretak sibalaj cäkachajij paciencia chuchˈijic ri cˈäx, ri mebaˈil, xukujeˈ qˈuia u wäch cˈäxcˈol. Uj chˈayom, xukujeˈ uj cojom pa cheˈ. Qui walijisam quib ri winak chkij, xukujeˈ kaˈnom cˈäx tak chac. Qˈuia mul elinak ka waram, xukujeˈ ka rikom numic. Xukujeˈ ka kˈalajisam chi uj patänil re ri Dios rumal chi chˈajchˈoj ri ka cˈaslemal, rumal chi ketam ri kas tzij, cˈo ka paciencia, cäkaˈn utzil, xukujeˈ rumal chi cˈo ri Lokˈalaj Espíritu pa kanimaˈ, kas cˈu quekaj nimalaj conojel. Xukujeˈ kˈalaj waˈ aretak cäkatzijoj ri kas tzij, cˈo cˈu ru chukˈab ri Dios pa kanimaˈ. Ri kanimaˈ ri jicom ru yoˈm ri Dios chke are waˈ cäkacoj pa ri chˈoj rucˈ ri Itzel, xukujeˈ che ka toˈic kib. Cˈo jutak mul ri cäyiˈ ka kˈij, cˈo cˈu jutak mul ri xa tzel cujil wi. Cˈo jutak mul ri utz ka tzijoxic cäbanic, cˈo cˈu jutak mul ri xa cujyokˈic. Xukujeˈ cˈo jutak mul ri cäbix chke chi xa uj banal tak tzij, cˈo cˈu jutak mul ri cäbix chke chi cäkabij ri kas tzij. Cˈo jutak mul ri cäbix chke chi man etamtal tä ka wäch, pune kas tzij etamtal ka wäch. Cˈo jutak mul ri cujopan cho ri cämical, xak cˈu are uj cˈasal na. Pune cäcˈäjisax ka wäch, man uj cämisam tä cˈut. 10 Pune cˈo ri cuya bis chke, cujquicot amakˈel ronojel kˈij. Pune uj mebaˈ, e qˈuia cˈut ri e kˈinomarinak kumal. Pune are jeˈ ta ne chi man cˈo tä ri jastak ke, ronojel cˈut tzˈakat u wäch cˈo kucˈ.

11 Kachalal aj Corinto, ka bim ronojel chiwe chi sakil. Kas ka kˈalajisam chiwäch ix ronojel ri cˈo pa kanimaˈ. 12 Ri uj man cˈo tä chi jas ri mat ka bim chiwe ri cˈo pa kanimaˈ. Ix cˈu riˈ cˈo na jas ri man i bim tä chke ri cˈo pa iwanimaˈ. 13 Quixinbochiˈj, jeˈ jas ri cuban jun tataˈ chque ri ralcˈual. Chikˈalajisaj chnuwäch ri kas cˈo pa ri iwanimaˈ jeˈ jas ri xinban in iwucˈ ix.

Ri apóstol Pablo cubij chi uj riˈ ri nimalaj rachoch ri Dios

14 Miban iwachiˈl chque winak ri man e cojonelab taj, mixcˈuli cˈu cucˈ. We je riˈ quibano, man junam tä i wäch riˈ quixcˈojiˈc. ¿A cärachiˈlaj lo rib ri jicomal rucˈ ri etzelal? ¿A rachiˈl lo rib ri sakil rucˈ ri kˈekumal? ¡Man jeˈ tä riˈ! 15 ¿A cäjunamataj lo u wäch ri Cristo rucˈ ri Satanás? ¿A cäjunamataj lo u wäch ri cojonel rucˈ ri man cojonel taj? ¡Man jeˈ taj! 16 ¿A cuyaˈ lo cucˈulaj rib ri nimalaj rachoch Dios cucˈ ri tiox ri xa e banom cumal winak? ¡Man cuyaˈ taj! Ix cˈu riˈ ri ix nimalaj rachoch ri cˈaslic Dios, jeˈ jas ri xubij ri Areˈ:

Quincˈoji na cucˈ, quinwacat cˈu na chquixol.
Quinoc na che ri qui Dios,
ri e areˈ cˈut queboc na che ri nu winak in, ―cächaˈ. 17 Rumal riˈ xukujeˈ cubij ri Kajaw Dios:
Chixel cucˈ we winak riˈ,
chitasa cˈu iwib chquij.
Cˈo jas michapo ri äwas u chapic chiwe,
quixincˈulaj cˈu na.
18 Quinoc cˈu na che ri i Tat,
ri ix cˈut quixoc na che tak
ri nu cˈojol, nu miaˈl,

As God’s co-workers(A) we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.(B) For he says,

“In the time of my favor I heard you,
    and in the day of salvation I helped you.”[a](C)

I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.

Paul’s Hardships

We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path,(D) so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments(E) and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger;(F) in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit(G) and in sincere love;(H) in truthful speech(I) and in the power of God;(J) with weapons of righteousness(K) in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor,(L) bad report(M) and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors;(N) known, yet regarded as unknown; dying,(O) and yet we live on;(P) beaten, and yet not killed; 10 sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;(Q) poor, yet making many rich;(R) having nothing,(S) and yet possessing everything.(T)

11 We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you.(U) 12 We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. 13 As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children(V)—open wide your hearts(W) also.

Warning Against Idolatry

14 Do not be yoked together(X) with unbelievers.(Y) For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?(Z) 15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial[b]?(AA) Or what does a believer(AB) have in common with an unbeliever?(AC) 16 What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?(AD) For we are the temple(AE) of the living God.(AF) As God has said:

“I will live with them
    and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
    and they will be my people.”[c](AG)

17 Therefore,

“Come out from them(AH)
    and be separate,
says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing,
    and I will receive you.”[d](AI)

18 And,

“I will be a Father to you,
    and you will be my sons and daughters,(AJ)
says the Lord Almighty.”[e](AK)


  1. 2 Corinthians 6:2 Isaiah 49:8
  2. 2 Corinthians 6:15 Greek Beliar, a variant of Belial
  3. 2 Corinthians 6:16 Lev. 26:12; Jer. 32:38; Ezek. 37:27
  4. 2 Corinthians 6:17 Isaiah 52:11; Ezek. 20:34,41
  5. 2 Corinthians 6:18 2 Samuel 7:14; 7:8